Council sets

By Bridget Cook
The strategy, adopted at Monday night’s council meeting, intends to provide an overview of principles, policies and plans to guide the shire over the next four years and beyond.
A key focus of the strategy relates to expanding resource use of energy, water and waste.
The strategy identifies a set of priority issues that will guide a number of strategic pathways to help achieve environmental sustainability.
The issues identified include climate change and energy consumption, development and built environment, water scarcity and waste minimisation, sustainable procurement and natural systems.
A number of ‘enabler’ issues were also identified that relate to aspects of the councils stewardship role and responsibility to engage and lead by example. These included governance and decision making, education and engagement and strategic planning and reporting.
Councillor Bill Pearson said the council would provide leadership through direct action and advocacy where needed, but residents and visitors must also make a contribution.
He said the Sustainable Environment Strategy sets a broad agenda of items relevant to the growing community.
“It sets priorities for joint council and community interest by identifying the key drivers influencing the current state of out local environment,” he said.
“Do get involved in sustaining Cardinia Shire’s natural and built environment in a proud way for both current and future generations.”
The strategy recognises that issues and priorities in relation to environmental sustainability could change and the council will need to respond flexible to changing circumstances.