PAKENHAM Rotarians last week hosted a visit from a travelling van that has gone on the road to fight depression.
A Rotary Health Safari is travelling around Australia to raise awareness and understanding of mental illness and depression.
Safari participants rolled into town on Thursday and spent the morning at the Pakenham Plaza carpark providing residents with a variety of information on how to fight depression and other related problems.
The safari vehicles are a 9.8-metre Winnebago Explorer and a Peugeot 407 support vehicle.
Interactive computer screens have been installed in the Winnebago using programs designed to help people identify depression and anxiety.
They will showcase the work done to help Australians beat mental illness.
Pakenham Rotary Club president Barry Morris said the road show was a valuable exercise.
Mr Morris and fellow Rotarians Peter Van Diemen and Terry Williams hosted safari leaders John Flower and Terry Bulloch before the roadshow continued to Warragul.