Seven signs of skin cancer you should know

Early detection through an annual full-body skin cancer check is the best defence.

Do you know what to look for when checking your skin for signs of skin cancer? You might answer ‘a dark mole’ or ‘a new freckle’, but it isn’t always that simple.

The ABCs of skin cancer can be a good way to remember common signs:

Asymmetrical (the two halves of the lesion don’t match); Border (edges are uneven or blotchy); Colour (there are multiple colours); Diameter (bigger than 6mm); Elevated (raised, nodular or lumpy); Firm (hard to the touch); and Growing (growth over weeks or months).

Skin cancer may show one, all or none of these signs. However, the naked eye is not enough to tell if a lesion is cancerous; some skin cancers are invisible without the aid of special tools and a qualified Skin Cancer Doctor’s expertise.

“It is frightening how many skin cancers we see each week which show no signs and are nearly invisible to the naked eye,” says Dr Zarli Kyaw at the Sun Patrol Skin Cancer Centres in Berwick and Officer.

“That’s why we recommend a head-to-toe skin cancer check annually, as picking up changes early can significantly improve your chances of successful treatment.”

This time of year is ideal for a skin check, as signs of skin cancer are often easier for Skin Cancer Doctors to identify without the disguise of a summer tan.

“Skin cancer can grow fast, come in various shapes and colours, and sometimes show no symptoms until an advanced stage,” says Dr Kyaw.

“Waiting for summertime to get your skin check is a potentially fatal decision.

“Early detection through an annual full-body skin cancer check is the best defence. Our mission is to detect skin cancers in the early stages to minimise complex, invasive and expensive treatments and ultimately save lives.”

To learn more, contact Sun Patrol Skin Cancer Centre in Berwick (phone 9769 3358) or in Officer (phone 5940 5006) or visit