Sustainable course

CASEY Council launched the Sustainability Plan, which is a big step towards achieving an environmentally sustainable city.
City of Casey mayor Shar Balmes said the plan focuses on eight key themes to help Casey become more sustainable.
“The Sustainability Plan focuses on water, flora and fauna, air and atmosphere, land, materials and waste, energy, business and community engagement, and advocacy and partnership,” Cr Balmes said.
“These are the key areas where council can make a real difference in the community through its planning and decision-making roles.
The plan also aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect biodiversity and manage Casey’s natural resources.
City of Casey manager Environment Nicola Ward said conserving natural resources such as the mangroves and vegetation along Casey’s coast was extremely important, as it would help combat the predicted sea level rise in the future. “The council is also committed to taking action to preserve non-renewable resources such as energy and water, which are becoming more expensive,” Ms Ward said.
“Like residents, council’s bills are going up so it makes financial sense to make sure valuable non-renewable resources are used sensibly and that waste is minimised or eliminated wherever possible.”
Cr Balmes said residents could also do their bit to support a more sustainable environment by being aware of every day decisions, such as walking instead of taking the car, using crockery instead of plastic cups or turning lights off in rooms when they are not needed.
“The City of Casey is committed to a sustainable future and looks forward to leading by example as it moves down the pathway to sustainability with the community,” Cr Balmes said.
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