Tamara calls the shots

By Emma Sun
PHOTOGRAPHY enthusiast Tamara Bush has been into photography for over 10 years, and has been a member of the Pakenham Photography Club for around half that time.
The 36-year-old Gembrook resident said it didn’t take long for her to decide that photography was going to be a permanent part of her life.
“I’ve always been interested in photography as a child,” Tamara said.
“I bought my first point-and-shoot digital camera and enjoyed taking photos of animals, plants and stuff like that, which still go into my work.
“I decided to take that further and join the club.”
Tamara said now that she has a good grasp of photography, she gets requests from friends and family to take photos for their special occasions.
However, some of those closest to her have not been very keen on being followed by a woman wielding a camera.
“My animals don’t like it,” Tamara revealed.
“As soon as my cats see it, they run. I can never get a good photo of them.
“It’s sort of like, if a kid wants a photo taken, they’re all happy, whereas when it’s an animal, you just get the most disgusted looks from them.”
Nevertheless Tamara has won awards for a selection of photos she had taken, including one she managed to snap of her feline friend Prickles.
“That picture won me a third at in the Dandenong Show,” Tamara said.
Tamara is a member of the CFA, which also has its perks for her hobby.
“My working (and volunteering) for the CFA allows me to get into areas with my brigade and take photos of incidents and fires the general public wouldn’t usually be able to get into,” Tamara said.
“The picture of the water bomber was taken on the Friday before black Saturday in Gembrook. It won me a first in an open competition. I actually didn’t realise that the moon was in the back of it. The picture also won a highly commended in the Dandenong Show.”
Tamara said she’d turn to her camera if she was going through a hard time.
“I find it relaxing. If I’m stressed, I would just go out with my camera and find things to take photos of,” she said.
Joining the camera club proved to be a good step for Tamara, who initially struggled with the many different settings SLR cameras have.
“I think people who are interested in photography should join the club,” she said.
“The camaraderie there is really good and everyone helps, and there’s no negativity in it.”