Ready for when friends drop in

1. Parachute – it has saved Sam’s life every time he’s use it and it usually means good fun. Sam has used the emergency parachute three times because of things going on with the first parachute. 57900

2. Van – Sam has a van set up as a camper van. He’s had it for around four years and it’s never failed him. It’s taken Sam to the rainforest in Cairns where he was doing tandem skydives. 57900

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3. Partner Tina – The couple have been together for around two years. For Sam, one of the highlights of their relationship has been time spent at Oktoberfest in Germany over the last two years. 57900

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4. Ricky Looi – A good friend from Singapore. The two met skydiving a long time ago and have been friends ever since. Sam says he’s a reliable friend who’s always there.

5. Orange juice – A favourite drink. According to Sam, coffee doesn’t exist; it has to be orange juice. He doesn’t really know why he like it, he just does. 57900