Planning change fears

Jassie O’Shea, holding Wags the wombat, with Maryknoll residents Brian O’Shea, Vin and Alexander Tyler, Reg Mattingley, Helen Hare, John Hamburg, Des O’Connell, Angelique Eccleston, Jan Hurford, Barbara Tyler, Denise Tyler, Eloise Tyler and Gregory Tyler. 			  Picture: Mike Richards.Jassie O’Shea, holding Wags the wombat, with Maryknoll residents Brian O’Shea, Vin and Alexander Tyler, Reg Mattingley, Helen Hare, John Hamburg, Des O’Connell, Angelique Eccleston, Jan Hurford, Barbara Tyler, Denise Tyler, Eloise Tyler and Gregory Tyler. Picture: Mike Richards.

By Paul Dunlop
MARYKNOLL residents fear a review of Cardinia Shire Council planning regulations could open the door for unwanted development in their community.
Despite reassurances from shire staff and councillors that it will have no such effect, the review of council’s Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) has raised concerns among residents that it could spell change for the unique rural community.
There were heated scenes last week when the MSS review was discussed at a meeting at Maryknoll.
But Cardinia Shire’s manager of governance and communications, Doug Evans, said the review would not have the impact that residents feared.
Cr Helen Ward also said residents had been misinformed about council’s plans, and that their worries were unfounded.
Residents of the former church settlement have previously been involved in a bitter battle with the council over plans to rezone land to allow further growth.
Maryknoll Progress Association (MPA) secretary Angelique Eccleston said news of the latest review had again sparked concern.
Council several weeks ago released a draft discussion paper and a background report with recommendations for changes to the MSS, which provides the strategic basis for the application of zones, overlays and particular provisions in the planning scheme.
The MSS review is the first step towards a full review of the Cardinia Shire planning scheme.
Ms Eccleston said the MPA strongly opposed any changes to the stance outlined in the township’s policy which, she said, was designed to protect Maryknoll’s many significant values.
“Maryknoll has a distinctive, unique history and character which provides a high quality community environment in a natural setting with high conservation values,” Ms Eccleston said.
“We seek to protect Maryknoll’s historical background, the environmental characteristics and qualities, significant flora and fauna and our social values.”
Ms Eccleston said up to 50 residents’ submissions were sent to the council after the MPA learned that the MSS review was under way.
Cr Bill Ronald, who strongly opposed the 2003 move to allow up to 35 extra blocks at Maryknoll, said the mood at last week’s meeting was extremely angry.
Cr Ward was at the meeting last Wednesday night and came under fire from residents.
But she insisted there was no hidden agenda and that people’s concerns appeared to be based on misinformation.
“The draft discussion paper on the review of the MSS is exactly that, a draft and a discussion paper,” Cr Ward said.
“It is a means of prompting thought, discussion and debate on the review of the MSS and is the first in a series of steps in the process.
“Nothing more, nothing less.”
Cr Ward said there was no proposal to change the intent or content of the Maryknoll township policy.
“What the discussion paper is suggesting is that for all the townships in the shire, the correct place to include details of their future direction is in the MSS and not in separate policies.
“This will in effect strengthen, not weaken, the status of township strategies and policies.”