Get off the grass

By Melissa Meehan
IT’S been called a disgrace, an eyesore and unsafe, but don’t go pointing your finger at the council.
Cardinia councillor Collin Ross says the long grass along Henry Road, Pakenham is a simple case of the developer’s neglect and the council is doing all in its power to make them clean up their act.
“Why should the ratepayers foot the bill for the developer’s responsibility?” Cr Ross said.
“It’s not only an eyesore but there could be snakes and other things in the grass and they don’t seem to care.”
He said the grass would be almost six-foot tall in height in some places, and was even out of control near the bus stop.
“It shows some developers value their estates more than others,” he said looking over the road to Heritage Springs.
He said the council was trying to enforce conditions wherever they could, and had even stopped staged releases of land until the developer met standards set by the council.
“It’s just not good enough,” Cr Ross said.