Discover St Peter’s

The 21st century learner will need a skillset of critical thinking, effective communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively and creatively. 269482_01

DISCOVER what St Peter’s College can deliver for your child/ren’s secondary education.

2021 was once again a difficult year for a whole host of reasons, and when you add onto everything else the need to decide on a secondary school for your child, this decision could have easily been put aside for a better time. I would now like to personally invite you onto campus for one of our discovery evenings.

Year 7 2023 and 2024 applications are now open.

The 21st century learner will need a skillset of critical thinking, effective communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively and creatively. St Peter’s College strives to provide opportunities for our students to engage and excel in all of these areas.

Big decision

When selecting a secondary school for your child, you need to feel confident in not only what that school can deliver in Year 7, but how the school can provide a stimulating learning environment across the six years. It’s a big decision.

Our desire is for students to run excitedly through St Peter’s College gates to start their secondary schooling as a Year 7 student, and walk out at the end of Year 12 with confidence, a sense of purpose, and a feeling of positivity about their future lives.

We are a proudly Catholic community with a focus on Christ at the centre of our learning. Servicing both the Clyde North and Cranbourne areas, we are committed to continuous improvement and have a strong focus on the development of the whole person, academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.

Discovery evenings are opportunities for parents and students to meet and talk with our current staff and students and to join in some classroom activities. The dates for these are Thursday 17 March at our Clyde North Campus and Tuesday 22 March at our Cranbourne Campus. Both will commence at 7pm with registration open from 6.45 pm.

It takes a village to raise a child.

It is a well-used statement. I invite you to attend our discovery evenings where you will witness how this statement comes alive at St Peter’s College as together we strive to develop the skills today to thrive in tomorrow’s world.

I look forward to meeting you at one of our evenings.

Chris Black, principal.

Book online at or phone registrar Wendy Height 5990 7777.