Purple patch delivers

Garfield Men's Club Champion Bob Lamport is congratulated by runner-up Malcolm Shaw after last week's event.Garfield Men’s Club Champion Bob Lamport is congratulated by runner-up Malcolm Shaw after last week’s event.

THE days of all lawn bowls being black are gone, these days they come in a range of colours and when Garfield’s Bob Lamport decided he needed a new set about two-years ago he chose the colour purple.
It was a wise choice for Lamport whose bowling in recent times has indeed hit a purple patch, first in Pennant competition and now at Club Championship level.
Last week Lamport became Garfield’s Men’s Club Champion for the first time, beating Malcolm Shaw in a hotly contested final. Hot being the operative word, temperatures had climbed to over 40 degrees during the day and the heat was still searing as the final began.
Both players produced some great shots but it was the accurate driving by Lamport that won the match. He loves to send down his distinctive bowls ‘with weight’ and two drives in particular denied Shaw as many as six shots, converting three down to one up and converting three down to a dead end.
President Wayne Gunton congratulated both players on playing so well in the hot conditions.