Police reject Pakenham gang claims

YOUTHS running amok in Pakenham is one of the most talked about issues in the town, but local police say they are not aware of any gangs in the true sense of the term.
The Gazette asked readers what the biggest issues in the shire were on its Facebook page last week. Youth violence and trouble was the overwhelming favourite.
Residents told stories of groups of youths drinking, hooning and vandalising property in areas such as Cardinia Lakes estate, McDonalds and other areas.
But Cardinia Local Area Commander Inspector Chris Major said while police were aware that some groups of youths who are friends and associates tend to hang around various locations in Pakenham’s CBD, they were not getting together to commit crimes.
“These groups will, on occasion, resort to boisterous and annoying behaviour that may alarm some people,” Insp Major said.
“However, to my knowledge we do not have organised gangs or groups who plan and commit crimes together.”
Insp Major said if any member of the public was concerned about any behaviour of any person or group they should report the matter to police.