Sick of the toll? Then spread the word

IT’S one of the most important resolutions that can be made for 2012 – be a safer driver.
Talk the Toll Down is a joint project between 60 regional newspapers, the TAC and Victorian Government.
This newspaper is sick of writing stories about road-crash deaths on our local roads.
We’ve been to the funerals. We’ve interviewed grieving mums, dads, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives and kids.
Silence is the biggest threat to road safety in regional Victoria so it’s time to Talk the Toll Down.
Is your friend speeding? Tell them to slow down.
Use your influence to stop a mate from drink-driving. Tell your driver to pull over and take a break.
Look out for your mates and your family. Don’t let a stupid decision ruin lives.
Join us. Talk the Toll Down.
If you have been touched by the road toll and would like to share your story, contact the Gazette on 5945 0611.