Eye out for future floods- Kooweerup Flood Protection Advisory Committee member Charlie Huyskens was calling for a levee bank to be reinstated out the front of his property before the floods last year

PAKENHAM South resident Charlie Huyskens is one of the most well-known voices after the February floods last year.
His property was flooded because of unfinished desalination pipeline works.
While the work on the pipeline finished in August 2010, a levee bank removed from the side of the drain wasn’t reinstated.
Mr Huyskens is a member of the Kooweerup Flood Protection Advisory Committee which meets four times a year to discuss the threat of flooding when it rains.
He said he was lucky it didn’t reach his house.
“I was worried about it and wanted a clean up,” he said.
The flooding to his property meant that the only way out was on his tractor.
It was particularly hard to stomach considering he had raised his concerns about flooding in McDonalds Drain Road East the year before.
He believes the removed levee bank caused the flooding to his property.
“We were flooded, but that’s all over now,” he said.
He’s still involved with the committee and said it does an important job of dealing with drainage problems in the Kooweerup swamp area.
“That’s our job to look after any issues and look into it,” he said.