Academy spots talent

Anika Van Lambaart at last year's performance. Anika Van Lambaart at last year’s performance.

A PERFORMING arts school in Pakenham is calling for young people to get involved this year.
Kim Thomsen, the director of the Not Yet Discovered Academy of Performing Arts, said she was passionate about creating opportunities for young people.
“The school is tailored to meet the needs of kids in an area such as Pakenham and expose them to the positives of the arts through mentoring and teaching self-worth, discipline and respect,” she said.
The performing arts school has been running for almost eight years.
“It’s a curriculum-based program. The idea is, we are trying to keep it as affordable as possible for the kids who don’t have access to the arts,” she said.
There’s a Friday group for kinder kids and Kim said she had a lot to do with children who were home schooled.
“It’s about social interaction and creative stimulation,” she said.
Classes are offered at the CPAC rooms in Henry Street, Pakenham, and at the end of the year there’s a performance for the kids.
“The students are provided with a variety of performance opportunities including Pakenham Carols by Candlelight, South East and West Gippsland eisteddfods, competitions, exams and they perform in at least one major musical or play per year,” she said.
“We perform quite regularly throughout the shire.”
Parents and young people interested in getting involved in the school can visit the website for details.