His no-smile style

HARRISON Ford is one of the most successful actors – in box office terms – in cinema history.
What is even more remarkable than the billions he has earned for movies studios, is the way he has managed to carve out a four-decade film career with only two facial expressions – serious and wry smile.
His first notable role as a spooky CIA agent in Apocalypse Now was an early insight in his ability to keep his facial features frozen.
Later, as Han Solo and Indiana Jones, he added his trademark side-mouth smirk which won the heart of Princess Leia and various other leading ladies.
At least he seemed to be having enough fun to smirk in those franchise films – things weren’t so much fun later on.
Between 1986 and 1994, it is believed Ford didn’t once crack a smile during a record 12 consecutive films.
Blade Runner was a serious business, but nothing compared to the stone-faced drama of the Jack Ryan films, Air Force One and The Fugitive.
Romantic comedy Sabrina made everyone smile, but for all the wrong reasons. As he approaches half a century in the film industry, we should all sit back and admire Harrison Ford as perhaps the actor who has made the most out of the least.
Perhaps he could be the inaugural member of a new tribute for wooden actors – The Hollywood Walk of Same.
– Danny Buttler