Shattered dreams

By Lilly O’Gorman
Thieves broke into the fish and chip takeaway and cafe on Main Street last Thursday night. The new owners came in on Friday to find the windows smashed and the till emptied.
“We just had our whole front done of our shop. Because we are new owners we wanted to make the shop look so nice. But what can you do?” Ms Tatsalis said.
“It was really old, we fixed it up and made it really nice. And now this happened. I was in shock that someone would do such a thing.
“We are a family business, me and my husband, me and my three kids.
“For someone to do that, it’s just scary.”
After calling in the police, the Tatsalises were disappointed to learn that no fingerprints were found.
“In the middle of the night, someone must’ve had a big log and smashed our front window, took the till, and a bag of all our accounting things, and quite a few other things in here,” she said.
On Friday, family members helped clean up the broken glass in the shop and put paper up on the windows.
The Tatsalises are warning residents to stay safe and say they are devastated someone in the town could have broken into their takeaway shop.
Ms Tatsalis said she’d also be locking her car door from now on.
“The main thing was it would be good for people to know that there are people like that around here,” she said.