Big top bonanza

Rigo the horse and horse trainer Michael Harrison prepare for thecircus. 77767Rigo the horse and horse trainer Michael Harrison prepare for thecircus. 77767

ROLL up, roll up, Silvers Circus is in town.
The greatest show on earth is in Pakenham until the end of the weekend.
There is something for everyone under the big top – from footy playing dogs to a show-stopping horse, from hula-hoops to motorbikes.
Ringmaster Simon Tait said the acts were “real crowd pleasers”.
“People who have came to the show so far absolutely love it,” Mr Tait said.
“It has been a few years since we have come to Pakenham, and this time it is bigger and better.”
Mr Tait said the show featured an array of tricks, comedy and surprise elements for people of all ages.
“It is appealing to everyone,” he said.
“Everyone loves the footy playing dogs who wear team jumpers.
“We have the Globe of Death where three motorbikes are inside a round medal sphere travelling 60 kilometres an hour and we have a beautiful horse that has its own solo act,” Mr Tait said.
“There are funny elements, naughty characters and a lot of surprises.”
Mr Tait said the stars of the show were from all parts of the world.
“We have people from Argentina, Brazil, Switzerland, Italy, and a few Aussies for good measure,” he said.
Silvers Circus will have a show tonight (29 February) at 8pm, and shows at 8pm on 1, 2 and 3 March and shows at 1pm on 3 and 4 March.
Prices range from $20 to $40 plus booking fees.
Book tickets at Ticketmaster on 13 61 00 or phone the circus on 0413 880 044 or 0413 844 241.
Visit for more information.