Unsung heroes on show

Anne Reynolds hands over the presidency to John Betts. 82961Anne Reynolds hands over the presidency to John Betts. 82961

THE Berwick Show Society honoured its unsung supporters with some special awards at its annual general meeting last Thursday night.
“If I’d have known you were going to do this I wouldn’t have come, bugger,” a modest Paul Hayes said to laughs, upon accepting the surprise award.
Five other community volunteers were recognised for their hard work over many years: Les and Cora Lee Donaldson, father and son duo Peter and Paul O’Hagan as well as Jan Holian, who was unable to attend the meeting.
In another surprise development, the society received more than $80,000 following a refund of cash tipped into the Victorian Agricultural Shows Weather Fund, which will no longer be provided.
The unexpected windfall wasn’t the only reason outgoing president Anne Reynolds had to smile.
From the moment Anne Reynolds took her seat for her last official duty as president of the Berwick Show, the grin didn’t leave her face.
The mixture of pride, happiness – but most of all, relief – would be familiar to the many past-presidents who had just completed a busy term overseeing the oldest agricultural show in Victoria and biggest community event in the City of Casey.
It’s no mean feat, but by all accounts Ms Reynolds did a stellar job.
“Congratulations on a job well done,” committee member and past president Warwick Glendenning said.
During her final address as president, Ms Reynolds offered a special welcome to her identical twin sister Carmen Lynch who travelled all the way from Bowen, Queensland for the event.
Ms Reynolds said taking on the presidency had been an honour and a privilege.
“It truly has been an amazing 12 months,” she said.
“To all our judges, sponsors, competitors, volunteers and patrons, a very big thankyou.”
The incoming executive committee positions are held by president, John Betts; vice-president, Tom Gibson; and junior vice-president Debbie Akister.
On the night, Jane Stuchbury and Gayle Joyce were both recognised with life memberships. Secretary Amanda Mason was presented with flowers on her resignation from the role, following her family’s move to Ballarat.
Next year’s Berwick Show will be held on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 February and the open horse events on Monday 11 March.