Students launch Project Compassion

Back row from left: Mr Liam Doherty of DOSCEL, Ms Sally Murphy of Caritas, student leaders Willow Goode of Catholic College Sale, Harvey Brown of Lavalla Catholic College, Traralgon, Joshua Bradley of Marist-Sion College, Warragul, Justin Anand of St Francis Xavier College, Beaconsfield, Grace McKenna of Nagle College, Bairnsdale, Michelle Muchai of St Peter’s College, Cranbourne, Deb Griffiths of Nagle College, Bairnsdale, Alexis McGuire of Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College. Front row from left: Ms Siji Dominic, Diocese of Sale, student leaders Patrick O'Dwyer of St Joseph’s Primary School Wonthaggi, Ivy Reidy of St Lawrence O’Toole Primary School, Leongatha, Ted Enbom of St Joseph’s Primary School Korumburra, Evie Walker and Grace Gard of St John the Baptist Primary School, Koo Wee Rup, Bishop of Sale, Most Reverend Greg Bennet.

Student leaders from St Francis Xavier College in Beaconsfield and the Cranbourne campus of St Peter’s College were among a […]

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