CLEAN Up Australia has called on Cardinia residents and groups across Melbourne to register a site now for the nation’s largest communitybased environment event: Clean Up Australia Day.
Now in its 17th year, the annual Clean Up Australia Day will be held this year on Sunday, 5 March.
Clean Up Australia chairman and founder Ian Kiernan has encouraged all Australians to take part in the 2006 campaign themed ‘Don’t let rubbish become part of the scenery’.
“Clean Up Australia Day is a practical way for Victorian residents to make a difference to their local environment,” Mr Kiernan said.
“It’s as easy as identifying a local park, waterway, bushland or street near you that needs to be cleaned up and registering the site with Clean Up Australia.
“Get your family and friends involved and don’t let rubbish become part of the scenery.”
Last year, 1398 clean up sites were organised across Victoria. This year, Clean Up Australia hopes to increase the number of local sites and attract more volunteers.
“Clean Up Australia Day shows us first hand the impact of rubbish in the environment.
“I encourage the residents of Victoria to get involved and experience the positive contribution you can make to your community.
“Make March 5 the day you start to make a difference,” Mr Kiernan said.
In March 2005, more than 670,000 volunteers cleaned up an estimated 8450 tonnes of rubbish.
This year, one site has already been registered in Cardinia Shire.
The Beaconsfield Flora and Fauna Reserve is marked for a clean up.
To help out call Lisa Loulier at Friends of Cardinia Creek on 0400 390 131.
To register a Clean Up Australia Day, Business Clean Up Day or Schools’ Clean Up Day site, visit or phone 1800 CUA DAY (1800 282 329).
All registered sites will be sent a free clean up pack.
All Business, Schools and Clean Up Australia Day sites registered by 1 February will go into the draw to win a Kyocera Digital Camera. Visit for terms and conditions.
Key Dates: Business Clean Up Day, Tuesday, 28 February.
Schools Clean Up Day, Friday, 3 March.
Clean Up Australia Day, Sunday, 5 March.