WINDERMERE Child and Family Services will hold a communities for Children Information forum in the Old Shire Office, Cranbourne on Thursday, 2 February.
Windermere is one of 45 agencies throughout Australia that received Family and Community Services federal funding to propose evidencebased community initiatives that will enhance opportunities for disadvantaged children and their families. Speakers will include Department of Family and Community Services representative Heather Finlayson who will discuss funding expectations; Centre for Community Child Health’s Alex Fraser will speak about evidencedbased proposals; Windermere deputy chief executive Bryan Sheridan will discuss committee and working parties; CfC coordinator Bron Owen will discuss community consultation and contribution.
Windermere chief executive Cheryl De Zilwa said the primary purpose for the Information Forum was to clarify the purpose and expectations of funding, better inform the various stakeholders of the unique opportunities available, and gain commitment from the key players over the four year funding duration.
“One of the outcomes from the forum will be the establishment of a strategic planning committee that will work in collaboration with Windermere until the end of 2009 to develop, guide and support implementation of the Initiatives and achievement of outcomes.”