Drouin mauls Moe

DROUIN Hawks Netball Club dominated its round17 games against home team Moe on Saturday, winning all encounters except for a thrilling draw in the 15andunder match.
The Hawk chicks signalled their premiership intentions by inflicting Moe’s first defeat of the season in the 13andunder division.


Drouin started with a very youthful lineup with playing coach Christie Proctor the veteran at 21.
The team took some time to adjust to each other, with goalers Lisa Watson and Kelly Hedley a new and inexperienced combination.
Moe pushed Drouin for the first quarter, but once the machine began to click it was all Drouin.
It went on a scoring spree in the second quarter with 21 goals an excellent effort from both goalers.
They were given plenty of opportunity with Deb Thomas, Nikki Bryce and Ally McArthur unstoppable in defence.
The Proctor sisters were a formidable combination in the midcourt, with Stacie and Christie both feeding the goalers with speed and precision.
Sophie Cook made a welcome return after a long injury layoff and stepped into the goalkeeper position at half time and was tight and sharp.
This is a bonus for Drouin that takes on Leongatha this week.
Scores: Drouin 61 d Moe 33.
Award winners: Lisa Watson, Stacie Proctor, Christie Proctor and Nikki Bryce


Drouin looked a slick outfit, showing why it heads the ladder.
It got off to a great start with goalers Felicity Pratt and Cheryl Kos accurately finishing the team’s good work.
In attack, Ally Henderson and Tania McLeish were patient, working the ball in and around the ring sweetly.
Defenders, Rebecca Burgmann, Kelly Bethune and Lia Olsen got their hands to plenty of passes, applying considerable pressure to the Moe goalers.
Drouin rotated its nine players throughout the game as usual, with Keira Rees (GS) and Karen Piner (GD) entering the contest at half time.
Both added intensity to the team, with Karen driving Drouin into attack on many occasions and Keira continuing to improve in her strength and confidence a good sign for Drouin with the finals approaching.
Scores: Drouin 65 d Moe 27.
Award winners: Ally Henderson – Drouin Amcal Chemist; Felicity Pratt – Trim, Taut and Terrific.


Drouin was expecting a comfortable win based on its roundeight encounter, but found Moe much improved.
Drouin had to work hard to achieve the win and will be keen to eliminate some of the errors made under pressure.
Sam Pertzel and Clare Murphy both made welcome returns to the court after several weeks.
Sam and Tania Lissenden started in goals, a new combination for the team.
Lisa Jensz was solid at wing attack and Bronwyn Edwards provided some more mobility when moved into goal attack.
Drouin’s tall defensive combination of Nat Birt (GK) and Millie Westhead (GD) were once again outstanding with their excellent reach and anticipation.
Scores: Drouin 31 d Moe 15.
Award winner: Nat Birt – Trim, Taut & Terrific.


Drouin’s start was not ideal with too many scrappy passages of play, limiting its scoring options.
With scores tied at nine goals each after the first break, Drouin was determined to lift its intensity and concentration.
With Ally McArthur and Nikki Bryce restricting their opponents to just four goals, Drouin went on to score 12 goals, setting up the win.
Drouin rotated its players throughout the game and Venessa Watson moved into the centre in the second half, playing an excellent driving game.
Scores: Drouin 42 d Moe 29.
Award winner: Venessa Watson.


With fourth playing fifth on the ladder, this match had a finals’ atmosphere, especially in the final quarter when Drouin finished with fire. It kept reducing the margin throughout the game, but couldn’t get in front until the last five minutes of the game.
Goalers Stephanie O’Dea and Karina Proctor were strong and outstanding in the final quarter when the pressure was at its greatest, missing just one goal.
Caitlin Bills was excellent in the midcourt.
In the last quarter, Jess Hedley and Brittany Jolly fed the goalers well, creating a formidable attacking end for Drouin.
Scores: Drouin 31 drew with Moe 31.
Award winner: Caitlin Bills Warragul Leisure Centre.


Drouin seemed to have peaked at the right time, knocking off ladder leaders and previously undefeated Moe for its best win for the season.
This was a confidenceboosting win with all nine girls contributing to the win.
Drouin was under pressure from Moe all game, yet maintained its lead by controlling possession.
It got off to a great start with Jess Wyatt shooting at 100 per cent accuracy in the first quarter. She was well supported by Peta Matthews who drove strongly into the goal ring.
In defence, Imogen Sceney and Stacey Megee combined well and gained many intercepts and deflections by playing tight and Meggan O’Dea and Mel Piner drove through the midcourt superbly.
Brittany Dore and Brianna Bills were both strong at wing defence, while Zoe Henry moved into goals in the final quarter and did an excellent job under pressure.
Scores: Drouin 25 d Moe 20.
Award winner: Peta Matthews – Leading Edge Video.