Kidnap bid shock


A PAKENHAM Hills student returned to school on Tuesday, following a horrifying abduction attempt as she rode to school last week.
The 10-year-old girl hid in a nearby garden after a man grabbed her as she was riding a scooter south on Riviera Drive towards Kennedy Road at about 8.30am on Friday morning.
In a press conference on the weekend, Inspector Paul Binyon from the Sexual Crime Squad said the girl was forced into the car by the man before she escaped and alerted the school.
“The man stopped and asked the girl to help him get something out of the rear of his car,” he said.
“He grabbed her forcibly and bundled her inside the car.
“Fortunately for her she had her wits about her – very bravely she was able to run off to school where she reported the incident.
“The Sexual Crimes Squad has taken on primacy of the investigation.”
Pakenham Hills principal Dale Hendrick praised the student for her quick thinking and said the school would be offering support to the school community wherever possible.
“I know the police have put extra patrols on before and after school hours and from a school perspective, we have ramped up our lessons on stranger danger and how children should respond,” he said.
“Support services and guidance officers are on hand to speak with kids and families who have been traumatised.”
Mr Hendrick said it was common for schools to be alerted by suspicious vehicles or people by the Education Department every couple of weeks, but the attempted abduction on Friday was very different.
“This wasn’t run of the mill – luckily the student was able to give police a good photo fit,” he said.
“This is the sort of thing that gives everyone a real fright.”
Mr Hendrick said the school was working hard to make sure the children felt safe again.
The man police wish to speak to is described as aged in his late twenties, with a thin build, olive complexion and short dark hair.
“We are asking for any witnesses or information from members of the public to help us identify this person who has committed this abhorrent crime and enable us to charge him and take it before the court,” Inspector Binyon said.
Anyone with information can contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.