Garfield wins thrillers

GARFIELD A and Cgrade teams had exciting wins over powerful Sale sides on Saturday.
Agrade has now moved to fourth position on the ladder after the victory.


Garfield started the game with strength and determination that continued throughout the entire match.
Accurate shooting by Melissa Hill and Jessica Marsh set up the win.
Quick movement through the centre by Susie Paply and Julie Collis moved the ball from the defence end with winning results.
The defence combination of Lisa Biffen and Jade Dawes were again very powerful, preventing Sale from threatening the early lead.
Scores: Garfield 38 defeated Sale 32.
Awards: Garfield Hotel, Julie Collis; O&H Hotel Warragul, Susie Paply; Shapes Gym Warragul, Lisa Biffen.


Garfield controlled the game from the outset through excellent defence work from Heath Mills and Lisa Cowburn. Both girls rebounded strongly, creating positive turnovers within the goal ring and both were aptly supported through the midcourt by Erin Barkley.
Despite gaining initial control, Sale’s defence proved too strong coming into the last quarter, however Garfield came away from the game with many positives.
Scores: Sale 45 defeated Garfield 39.
Awards: O&H Hotel Warragul, Heath Mills; Shapes Gym Warragul, Lisa Cowburn.


Kareena Miller positioned herself in a winning position and goaled accurately to complete an excellent game of netball.
Sammy Barr played a strong defensive game in goal defence and quickly accounted for many turnovers and intercepts.
Hannah Burns continued to create numerous centrepass intercepts and is proving to be a valuable defence player for the side.
Casey Robson proved to be a versatile player by adapting to the many positions she was required to fill during the game.
Scores: Garfield 32 defeated Sale 15.
Awards: O&H Hotel Warragul, Sammy Barr; Shapes Gym Warragul, Hannah Burns; Garfield Hotel, Kareena Miller; Blockbuster, Becky Hower.


Despite the result, Garfield played a strong and committed game of netball.
Casey Dawes was brilliant in goal defence, dominating the taller opposition, picking up loose balls and rebounding strongly.
Josie Johnston applied a strong attacking game and Megan Boland played her usual strong defensive game.
Kelly McMillan again proved to be invaluable as a goaler and a defender throughout different quarters of the game.
Scores: Sale 31 defeated Garfield 9.
Awards – best: Josie Johnston, Hungry Jack’s: Casey Dawes, Blockbuster: Megan Boland.


A cold foggy morning, caused a slow start to the game, but once warmed up Garfield gathered momentum with Kassie Burge, Karly Matthews, Hayley Wright and Katie O’Dea continually working the ball down the court to feed Bianca Collis and Kaila Lang in goals as practiced in training.
Team improvement is evident each week as the team grows in ability and skills.
Scores: Sale 24 defeated Garfield 11.
Awards – Gerard Collins award: Kassie Burge, Hungry Jack’s: Karly Matthews, Blockbuster: Brooke Cousin.


Garfield tried hard, but could not compete against the much taller Sale side.
Ruby Collis intercepted strongly in defence, while Gabby Walker played a quick game in the centre.
Narelle Van Der Pas provided the muchneeded height in goals.
Melissa Hill, who has made herself available to assist with some of the coaching, was thanked for her help to some of the girls who are new to netball.
Scores: Sale 43 defeated Garfield 4.
Awards – best: Ruby Collis, Hungry Jack’s: Gabby Walker, Blockbuster: Narelle Van Der Pas.