High in the saddle

CONGRATULATIONS and well done to everyone who supported the Pakenham Show’s horse event at Akoonah Park, Berwick on Saturday, 30 November.
As president of the new beginning for the Pakenham Show Society I would like to say a huge thankyou to one and all, and especially praise Jane Comben (new horse co-ordinator) who pulled it off within such a short timeframe.
Thankyou also to Cathy Bashford, Jack Rae, Akoonah Park Committee, Gayle Joyce, Bert Rae, Warwick Glendenning and Berwick Show Society you should all be commended on your positive and hard-working attitudes and finally to all the wonderful sponsors and Casey Community Radio, if not for them this event would never happen.
The day proved to be the best supported horse show that Pakenham Show Society has held for many years – thankyou to all the exhibitors – who made it the success it was! Bring on 2014.
Geoff Young,
President – 2014 Pakenham Agricultural and Horticultural Society,
Pakenham Upper.