Poll for road toll

I wish to lend my support to Premier Denis Napthine and local state Member for Gembrook Brad Battin regarding their letter in the Pakenham Gazette (Road Toll Progress, 8 January).
The Premier highlights that Victoria has recorded the lowest road toll in 90 years, which was partially due to a number of strategies implemented by the State Government.
These include a crack down on mobile phone usage while driving and a commitment of $1 billion over the next 10 years for the upgrade of the state’s most dangerous roads.
While these commitments are important in reducing the road toll, I strongly believe that additional funding should be made available for the education of the new drivers on our roads, particularly within the Cardinia Shire which, regrettably, rates highly among the state’s accident and fatalities statistics.
The Cardinia Shire has been proactive in its endeavours to address these statistics when in May 2012 councillor Brett Owen was successful in the inclusion of the following motion to the Shire’s Draft Road Strategy:
“That the shire advocates to the State Government and relevant departments to fund a pilot (administered by council) of a School Based Learner Driver Program in secondary colleges across Cardinia Shire, and further investigate the employment of a dedicated road safety officer.”
With a state election due this year it may be appropriate for the Member for Gembrook Brad Battin and Premier Napthine to liase with the Cardinia Shire and provide the funding required to achieve this important Driver Education Program, which in turn would assist Premier Napthine’s vision of a zero road toll in Victoria.
Gary King,
Koo Wee Rup.