Workmanlike effort

I would like to express my praise to a gentleman whom both my husband and I employed to do jobs both inside and outside the home we own.
We have often had jobs done by individuals whom you trust but find later that the job was second class and had to be re-done.
I am so impressed by what this gentleman did, he took time to explain the incorrect work provided in the first place, then I noticed he had so much care and consideration for his job/work, he did not mind how long it took him and his cost was so reasonable.
I would like him to come each time I need a job done.
In this day and age, it is very hard to find respectable tradespersons who take time to do a job properly, only request minimum payment and are so thorough with their work.
This man is to be honoured, in my opinion.
In this regard I would love the paper to place this into your letter page as this man deserves so much credit.
I am so proud I met him and would love persons who require odd jobs and the like to utilise this man.
His name is Ernest and could be contacted on 0401 399 487.
He also provides for a no obligation free quote!
Susan Johns,