Enough of this council’s waste

SACK Cardinia Action Group has been formed by ratepayers concerned about the mounting debt and the massive rate increases over the past few years.
Cardinia’s debt is now $47 million, which doesn’t include the undisclosed sum borrowed to purchase the new civic centre in Officer, which has been estimated at between $30-$37 million.
If this is fact, then the our debt will be arouind the $77 million mark.
Cardinia rate rises have been the highest in Victoria, as reported in the Herald Sun on 18 March.
These rate increases are well over CPI and inflation and such massive increases can not be justified by council.
Sack Cardinia Council Group has a current petition in progress, directed to the State Government, to investigate Cardinia Council.
We believe that the borrowings could render this council insolvent.
Residents can longer afford these massive rate increases and action needs to be taken.
The waste of public money on self education, directors’ courses, Christmas parties, drinks bills and the reprint of the Connect magazine to enlarge photographs are just some examples of what we have unearthed.
We have gathered hundreds of signature so far in a short period of time and we intend to hit the streets in all towns across the shire to gather thousands.
The response has been overwhelming.
In the coming weeks we will be holding a public meeting so the public can have there say.
Anger is mounting – enough is enough.
Check out the Sack Cardinia Council Action Group on Facebook to view the FOI information of waste of public money.
Andrew McNabb,
Mary Leah,
Upper Beaconsfield.
Sack Cardinia Council Action Group.