Drowning in debt

STOP press, it’s official! Cardinia Shire Council is Victoria’s number one municipality for DEBT!
Mr Madden – General Manager of Corporate Services – stated “the debt management strategy was introduced prior to the purchase of the Officer Civic Centre which pushed the shire’s debt levels to $67 million. Prior to the debt management we had no idea the Officer situation would come up.”
Mr Madden, how can you have a debt of $67 million and no idea? No wonder ratepayers’ anger boiled over at a council-run budget information session. Ratepayers are sick to death of the massive rate increase, rising debt, waste and mismanagement.
Do you really think ratepayers are expected to sit back and accept that Cr Ross can spend $20,000 plus on obtaining a diploma, not to mention the $70,000 plus on the Cardinia Day function, $15,000 on a booze bill and $4.15 million to purchase the Beaconhills Golf Club, only to see it leased back for $1 per annum over 50 years! Gee, what great decisions this council has made on behalf of its ratepayers!
Councillors and the unelected bureaucrats have completely lost total touch with reality and communities – they believe a 30.1 per cent rate increase projected for 2013-’17 is warranted!
“Sack Cardinia Council Action Group” believes this council is out of control and needs to be investigated by the State Government. Enough is enough!
Andrew McNabb, Officer;
Mary Leah, Upper Beaconsfield;
“Sack Cardinia Council Action Group”.