Cost-cutting call

I WOULD like to put my support behind Ray Baker and suggest we the ratepayers of City of Casey inform the people we elected to speak for us on what we expect from them.
Not in council as a stepping stone and looking after their own agendas
Ask the ratepayers their thoughts on major expenditure items, ie the cultural centre and any other project that will affect our rates by way of an increase.
When will the council take it upon itself to reduce their overheads to make the rate increase less?
This can be done by looking at the wages bill and free feeds for councillors at council meetings, and alcohol supplied at council meetings with meals.
If this council is fair dinkum, why not bring in a meal subsidy so that councillors and all attendees have to pay a percentage towards their meal and drinks.
Has any ratepayer the time to organise a ratepayers meeting to bring this council to be accountable to the people it is supposedly representing?
if there is someone out there whom is willing to have a go, you can count me in to help you out.
John Ferguson,