Cut the grass

IN REGARDS to the article (I think it was on page 3) of last week’s Gazette.
I couldn’t help but draw comparisons to the vacant land along Bald Hill road in Pakenham that is owned by Metro, sporadically slashed and yet no-one maintains the nature strip there either.
Over the years it has become a game of “that’s not my job” between Metro and Cardinia council over who ISN’T going to maintain it and once again this week I had to remind Metro to come on down to Pakenham and slash the paddock!
As a resident I am expected to maintain my nature strip to a certain standard or endure the wrath of local laws and rightfully so, but Metro seem to be immune to such by-laws and snub their noses at pedestrians having to negotiate grass and weeds nearly two-feet tall in some places.
Come on guys, have some pride, stop the handballing and politicking and get on with it – eyesores like this site have no place in a lovely town like Pakenham.
David Connor,