Frog frogger

I’VE been following the conversations regarding the so-called “frog fence” along the Pakenham bypass and I too use the freeway twice a day every day of the week and have only ever seen repairs carried out once since the bypass opened. Even then, it was due to a vehicular run-off which had damaged the mesh.
Realistically though the frog fence was merely VicRoads’ attempt to dot their “i’s” and cross their “t’s” to appease the greenies.
Are you trying to tell me that frogs which are apparently delicate and susceptible to minute changes in their environment are not going to be affected by four lanes of freeway running through their habitat albeit due to a frog fence made of what looks like shade mesh.
Someone’s having a lend of themselves … but such is the price of progress.
I don’t doubt that there are frogs in those man-made habitats (ponds) along the freeway’s edge but between the birds and our progressive sprawl. Good luck to the little critters.
David Connor,