Just not good enough

BEFORE I start on my little tirade, I just want to say that there are some EXCELLENT staff working among Cardinia Council and a few bad decisions should not tarnish the whole organisation.
Having said that, last week I decided to drop into Officer’s new council complex, I say that because that is exactly what it feels like, stuck out there on the western border of our shire like an ivory tower.
I couldn’t help but notice as you alight from your vehicle along Siding Avenue, be careful not to trip on the raised concrete spoon gutters which don’t evenly meet the road surface, so God only knows how the elderly are going to negotiate these.
Then as you enter into the opulent four-storey foyer of the customer service area, I am reminded of how insignificant we ratepayers must seem, to those encumbered on the upper levels looking down.
As a matter of fact the location speaks volumes to me about exactly where I think this council has their loyalties and if I hear or read one more article about how this building will improve council efficiencies I think I will throw up.
I tell you what, leave the propaganda to the spin doctors in state and federal government and let the residents decide for themselves whether or not the $20 million price tag was worth it, just as we will decide whether or not the current $60 million debt (give or take a few dollars) and the exorbitant rate increases over the years have been worth it.
I find it remarkable that the old building which wasn’t fit for council use is now fit for a health centre with a raft of specialists and services on-site.
I also grimace when reading about those poor Lakeside residents having lost their privacy due to a council footpath.
Remind me again who those three gentlemen were posing for a photo in front of that very same footpath just a few weeks ago in the Gazette?
For goodness sake, last week’s article even alluding to the fact that council may not have money in their budget to fix it.
“Budget” would have to be a dirty word, wouldn’t it? Or just one that is wheeled out when it’s convenient.
Here is an idea, maybe only have one Christmas party this year (yes, some of us residents pay attention and have long memories) or better yet, that fancy new building … could be your “present in lieu”.
While you’re at it, this may seem a little simplistic but why should those affected Lakeside residents have to pay (part or otherwise) to reinstate their privacy due to a bungled council project which took it away in the first place?
I’m all for progress and yes the footpath was needed but are you trying to tell me with all our planners and engineers, that no-one saw this coming? Get real, if that’s the case, sack them all before they do any more damage, otherwise Cardinia Council should eat humble pie and pay for rectification works and settle this matter now, once and for all.
Stop and listen to the residents who pay your wages, they’re not being unreasonable, you are responsible for this mess, so give them a Christmas present and restore their privacy.
David Connor,