A CLEAR blue spring sky greeted members and visitors to the opening of the new season at Berwick Bowling Club on Saturday.
Bowlers were welcomed by the president of the RVBA section Cliff Fothergill and president of the RVLBA section Jean Fothergill and wished an enjoyable season of bowls at the club that now includes a new synthetic green.
More than 150 bowlers enjoyed the first social match of the season with a mixed game of 21 ends.
The winning team, led by Brian Gates, was well supported by Claire Charman (3) Noel Hardy (2) and John Steere (1).
Pennant practice is now underway and a special practice day has been organised for Sunday, 25 September at Drouin Bowling Club to be followed by a barbecue dinner.
With a strong increase in new members at Berwick, the new season promises to be both exciting and successful.