Garfield’s winning week

GARFIELD Bowls Club’s divisiontwo team had a good 13shot win over Thorpdale on Saturday during a game that saw the scores change dramatically during the day.
Garfield, playing on a good green and fine weather, won three of the four rinks to take 16 points.
Scores were: Stephen Whyte, Stu Robertson, Wayne Gunton and Tom Cleary lost to R Kennedy 22 to 28. Gary Payne, Peter Gallasch, Shane Oliver and Bob Lamport defeated R Porch 21 to 19. Les Pumphrey, Colin Carmichael, Hank Wouters and Frank Prins defeated B Kennedy 21 to 18.
The big winners of the day were the Colin Mills team of Jim Oliver, Reg Mattingley and Don Knight who defeated G. Edwards 38 to 24. In division six, Garfield 62 defeated Garfield 63 by four shots in the local derby.
Scores were: Bob Hope, Laurence Wright, Royce Collins and Bill Doherty defeated G Gaskell 24 to 15. Gordon Beer, Bill Charles, Keith Sainsbery and Adrian Helmuth defeated Alex Mentiplay 24 to 19.


In the Tuesday pennant Garfield had a clean sweep by winning all rinks to take maximum points for the day and its first win at home this season. Scores were; Rose Shaw, Joan Garvey, Joan Donovan and Margaret Charles won 28 to 23. Eleanor Lee, Judy Prentice, Pat Marriott and Fay Carmichael won 29 to 18 and finally Lyn Oliver, Bev Sainsbery, Gordon Beer and Maureen Lamport won 23 to 22 to give Garfield a 17 shot overall win.
The Saturday ladies pennant also saw a great win for Garfield against Warragul, winning both rinks and the large margin of 26 shots.
Scores were; Rose Shaw, Joan Garvey and Maureen Lamport defeated M. Evison 3317, while Eleanor Lee, Judy Prentice and Irene Mills defeated B. Wooley 33–23.
The ‘twilight or barefoot’ bowls have started Friday nights. Phone the club Thursday afternoon on 5629 2384 to ensure an entry.