Lobato tackles traffic concerns

ROADS are a priority for the Gembrook electorate, MP Tammy Lobato said after another visit by VicRoads regional manager Steve Brown.
Ms Lobato invited Mr Brown to visit the electorate to examine at firsthand a number of traffic concerns.
First stop was an inspection of the intersection of Clyde Rd and High St in Berwick, a matter raised with Ms Lobato by the Berwick Chamber of Commerce.
“The president of the chamber, Michael Hall, was present to discuss the concerns of the chamber about the confusion of some drivers who turn right into Clyde Road from the Princes Highway, coming from the Narre Warren direction,” she said.
“Despite VicRoads modification of the signage at the intersection, the Chamber of Commerce advises that drivers are still confused about whether to proceed through the intersection on a red signal and on my request, the signage and signalling is now being reexamined.
“If people are confused, then changes need to be implemented to ensure the safety of both pedestrians and drivers.”
Ms Lobato also said that, on her request, VicRoads was conducting a thorough examination of speed limits through Berwick and Beaconsfield to ascertain their suitability for current conditions.
“The location of signs, the speed limits in particular areas, the length of road assigned to a particular speed zone and the distance between speed zones have all been raised with me by residents,” she said.
“Mr Brown, after a close inspection, is now reviewing the operation of this road.”
Ms Lobato said the commitment of the State Government to roads in the area was demonstrated by the roadmaintenance funding, which had just been announced.
For 200506, Cardinia Shire will receive $3.558 million and the City of Casey $3.174 million.
Roadmaintenance funding is used for works such as resurfacing, fixing potholes, replacing signs and improving road edges.
Ms Lobato said that, in addition, allocations for funding under the Children’s Crossing Supervisor Scheme subsidy had been made.
The Shire of Cardinia will receive $83,000 and the City of Casey $372,515.
“Children’s safety is a priority and the continued subsidisations of school crossings, along with the successful $23 million school speed zones, are keys in achieving that,” Ms Lobato said.