Port expansion plans to go on show

PORT of Hastings information sessions will be held in the Cardinia Cultural Centre, Lakeside Drive, Pakenham, at 10am on Saturday, 17 February and in Doveton Neighbourhood Place, Oak Avenue, Doveton, at 2pm the same day.
Port of Hastings chief executive Ralph Kenyon has invited residents to attend the information displays hosted by the Port of Hastings Corporation and facilitated by the City of Casey and the Cardinia Shire.
He said it was longstanding government policy that the Port of Hastings would slowly expand over the next 25 years as the Port of Melbourne reached its capacity.
“As part of this growth, improved and expanded transport links to the Port of Hastings will be needed,” he said.
“The Land Use and Transport Strategy Consultation Draft was developed to help identify issues that we need to address in planning for this growth including road and rail upgrades.
“While the strategy outlines a preferred set of rail and road upgrades these options are not final.”
Mr Kenyon said the port was keen to receive feedback from the community on transport options. “This will help us understand impacts on the community and to incorporate this into our assessment,” he said.
“Once this consultation period is finished, the feedback will be assessed and a recommended strategy prepared for consideration by government.
“However, final decisions on rail and road alignments are expected to be made at that point.”
Mr Kenyon said recommended transport options would need to be the subject of further technical and environmental investigations and a full planning and environmental effects statement process.
It was a unique opportunity for the port and the community to work collaboratively to plan and shape a sustainable port development, he said.
Mr Kenyon said the draft strategy included recommendations such as identification of Long Island to the northeast of Hastings as the preferred precinct for port development.
He said staged implementation of new berthing infrastructure at the port would start after 2010.
This would include upgrades to the Western Port Highway as the major road transport link to Melbourne, use of the Stony Point and Frankston railway in the short term and in the long term a new rail link connecting Hastings with Dandenong via Clyde and Gippsland via Pakenham.
Mr Kenyon said a clearly defined planning process to comply with requirements for an environment effects statement would take place.
“As part of the planning process, we are not only considering land and transport required for future port development, we will also prioritise community benefits, such as improved community access to the foreshore and protecting areas of environmental value,” he said.
Mr Kenyon said the consultation draft would be on display at each information session and staff would explain the proposed strategy. Members of the public can submit comment until Wednesday, 14 March.
Details of the Port Land Use and Transport Strategy Consultation Draft and the supporting background Strategic Land Use and Transport Access Corridor Planning Study are available on the Port of Hastings website at www.portofhastings.vic.gov.au.
Further information and copies of the consultation draft can be obtained from the Port of Hastings on 5979 5500.