Berwick Church of Christ

A CHILDREN’S choir formed part of a special family service at 10am last Sunday. There was lots of fun, enjoyment and noise with Pastor Dave, whose message was “Experiencing a Big God Adventure”.
Many good things are happening in October as the colourful brochures show. Sunday morning services will focus on Building Phenomenal Families. “Parenting Kids God’s Way” is 2 October’s topic, with “The Power of Parental Influence” on 9 October. Grandparents Day on 16 October will have the theme “The Value of a Godly Heritage”.
United Live at 6pm in early October focuses on ‘Renewing the Mind’ on 2 October and on 9 October ‘This Dark World’, which will feature an original play by Hannah RushtonSmith, dealing with depression and suicide. It will be performed by Hillcrest Christian College students.
Beating the Blues is a men’s health forum taking place at Berwick Church of Christ on Monday 10 October at 7.30pm, with displays open from 6.30pm.
Jeff Kennett, former premier of Victoria and chairman of Beyond Blue, will be featured, along with Rod Quantock, comedian and local GP Dr Andrew Beveridge. No bookings are required and admission is a gold coin donation.
A Newcomers morning tea takes place in the creche on Sunday, 2 October and there will be a spring cleanup both in and around the church on Saturday, 8 October from 8am until noon.
United Youth launches term four with GoKarting on Friday, 7 October at 7pm. Cost will be $28, which includes gokarts (15 minute sessions), Laser Force, MiniGolf, chips, hot dogs and coke. Due to popular demand VIP Kids will also run on Thursdays from 4pm to 5.30pm in term four.
A P Party is to be held at the Fun Factory on Friday night on 7 October and the cost is $2.