Roads set for surgery

Paul Dunlop
THREE local roads crumbling under the pressure of heavy traffic are to get major surgery.
Cardinia Shire Council last week approved an $896,000 contract to reconstruct sections of Cardinia, Seven Mile and Heads roads.
The muchused thoroughfares are suffering from major wear and tear, posing safety concerns for motorists and creating headaches for council.
Speed limits have had to be temporarily reduced in some areas in a bid to make the roads safer.
Port Ward councillor Doug Hamilton said the repairs were urgently needed. “These three roads are in pretty ordinary shape,” he said.
Council’s decision will see a total of 5.8 kilometres of roads reconstructed with work scheduled to begin as early as this week for completion at the end of May.
Cr Hamilton said Cardinia Road was being used as a “rat run” by trucks and other vehicles during the construction of the Pakenham Bypass.
He described sections of Seven Mile Road as “dangerous” and believed Heads Road, which is just four metres wide, was far too narrow.
“Twenty years ago that road was wonderful, now it’s horribly inadequate. You can’t pass another car, the shire is always out there trying to patch it up.
“This work has been needed for some time,” Cr Hamilton said.
Crs Graeme Legge and Ed Chatwin also spoke in favour of the council’s plans.
Cr Bill Pearson said Nar Nar Goon residents had been pushing for works on Seven Mile Road for some time.
“They will be very pleased,” he said.