Candles to give a ray of hope

SUPPORTERS and spectators are invited to watch CaseyCardinia’s Relay for Life teams on Friday night and Saturday.
Committee cochairmanager Deborah Ditchburn urged people to attend the traditional candlelight ceremony that will get underway about 9pm on Friday.
She said the ceremony was a special part of Relay for Life.
“This is a time of reflection and of hope and it is really the heart of this event,” Ms Ditchburn said.
“Candles for the ceremony can be bought at the event from the information desk at Akoonah Park, Princes Highway, Berwick, for $2.
“The word ‘hope’ will be illuminated by candles and lights, creating a special sight for all present.
“Schools have decorated large ‘hope’ signs that will be displayed throughout the event.
“The moving candlelight ceremony highlights the Cancer Council Victoria’s Relay For Life and enables supporters to light candles in memory of relatives or friends lost to cancer.”
Registration for team or individual can be made by contacting Deborah on 0412 850 257, or Natalie on 0438 548 739.
Mrs Ditchburn said carers are welcome to take part in the opening lap in recognition of the important role they play in supporting survivors.
Cancer survivors wishing to take part in the Survivors’ Walk can register at the registration area from 4pm. The walk is part of the free Opening Ceremony which begins at 5.45pm.
So far, more than 330 people in 27 teams have registered to walk, stroll or run in Casey Cardinia’s Relay For Life.