Rotary mourns a devoted member

By Jim Mynard
ROTARY lost one of its most devoted supporters when past district governor Frank Canobio died on Saturday, 3 March after a long illness.
He gave 50 years service to Rotary and the community.
Mr Canobio’s eulogist said he joined the Rotary Club of Daylesford in 1956 with the classification of ‘electricity supply’, where he served as a board member and chairman of several committees.
He was Daylesford club president in 196263 and treasurer for two years.
Mr Canobio came to Berwick in 1966, when he joined the Rotary Club of Berwick with the same classification and was a member of all club committees, including a threeyear term as treasurer.
He moved up to district office, spending three years as district finance officer, organiser of the Darwin Cyclone Tracy Disaster Appeal, district extension and development committee, district world community service chairman, and was district governor (DG) in 198384.
He served as DG under the Rotary International theme of Share Rotary – Serve People.
The theme for the 26th annual district conference held in Shepparton over which he presided was Sharing and Serving.
Mr Canobio’s year as DG saw two new clubs chartered and membership growth of 79 members.
Highlights included a visit from the Rotary International president Bill Skelton, and the commencement of the National Science Summer School in Canberra with eight participants from this district.
Mr Canobio saw the start of the burgeoning Probus clubs in the district with five clubs being formed.
After his year as DG, Mr Canobio served as district foundation chairman for three years and for many years he held various district committee positions and attended international conventions.
Time and illness caught up with Mr Canobio and he resigned from Rotary to be immediately confirmed as an honorary member, the highest award in Rotary.
He was a Paul Harris Fellow with three sapphires and was recognised by Rotary International president Bill Boyd and the Rotary Club of Berwick for his 50 years’ service both as an active and honorary member.