Older drivers win support

KEEPING safe and mobile was a focus for older drivers at a Casey seminar for older drivers on Friday, 2 March.
The seminar featured guest speakers and support from RoadSafe Victoria, RACV, and the Transport Accident Commission.
Casey mayor Colin Butler said older people were the safest road users, but were more likely to be seriously injured if involved in a crash.
“Casey values older drivers and the council aims to help keep them driving for as long and as safely as possible.
“Road safety is a key area of our longterm planning and safer local roads is a key priority as well as programs and initiatives to educate the community and, in turn, residents have an active part to play.
“We all have a responsibility towards making our roads as safe as possible by driving sensibly, and reinforcing road safety messages to children. “Dangerous and reckless driving should not be tolerated, and if residents observe any hoon behaviour they should contact the Casey’s Hoon Hotline on 1800 184 666,” he said.