PUT puts on the runs

PAKENHAM UpperToomuc (PUT) will chase Merinda Park’s first innings total of 132 and a DGrade premiership next Saturday, after a raineffected grand final at the weekend.
After the frustration of no play on Saturday, both sides came out to play on Sunday at Beaconsfield.
The Yabbies broke through in the third over and a recovery by the Cobras was halted when three wickets fell in consecutive overs. After 14 overs the score was 4/41.
A fifthwicket stand of 48 was broken and wickets fell steadily and Merinda Park’s innings ended on 164 after 46.2 overs.
Adrian Garvey, Paul Ryan, Brett Maddock and Frank Scartuchio each collected two wickets, with singles falling to Adrian Grey and David Merrigan.
A fielding highlight was a good catch in the deep by Luke Gunton, despite glare from the sun.
With 20 overs still to play, the Yabbies set off in pursuit of the Cobra total.
The innings made progress to 0/32 after 16 overs, before a double wicket maiden suddenly evened the fortunes again in this seesawing encounter.
Chris Gunton was caught on 19, and Craig Spicer remains 12 notout.