Casey signs up

CASEY mayor Colin Butler said the City of Casey had adopted an ongoing commitment to conducting cultural heritage assessments where there were known or potential Aboriginal cultural heritage values.
He said the council had adopted a new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Policy that would be considered when assessing planning permit proposals.
“The policy provides for identification and protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage values and promotes consultation with Aboriginal communities,” he said.
“It ensures that new land uses and development do not adversely impact on significant Aboriginal sites.
“During the last five years the council has worked closely with Aboriginal Affairs Victoria, Aboriginal communities, archaeological consultants and planners to develop a policy that will fulfil the council’s obligations under the various state planning frameworks.
“The policy clarifies the responsibility of all parties to ensure that the cultural heritage is preserved appropriately in partnership with developers.”
Cr Butler said Casey’s Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Policy now had State Government support and was providing a model on which other councils were developing similar policies.
The policy is available on 9705 5200 or