Bowls on wheels

BERWICK Bowling Club presented one of its members, Les Herring, with a plaque in recognition of his involvement in disability and school programs recently.
Mr Herring was honoured for his efforts, enthusiasm and patience in introducing bowls to people with disabilities, schoolchildren, colleges and senior citizens.
He has been involved in The City of Casey’s ‘Access for all Abilities’ program for the past four years. He has devised a special ramp so that wheelchair-bound people can enjoy the sport, and takes groups of up to 20 students at a time.
During the last two years he has also organised lawn bowls for seven local schools, teaching more than 2000 students the art of lawn bowls. Mr Herring has also attended Chisholm College to give lectures on lawn bowls to students.
Last season Les started barefoot bowling for the local sporting clubs and teachers. On Saturday mornings he runs junior development sessions for 12 to 18-year-olds, and on Sunday mornings classes for senior citizens.
The Berwick Bowling Club is very proud of Les Herring and congratulates him on his achievements.