THE monthly meeting of the Berwick/Upper Beaconsfield Red Cross Unit was held on Friday 12 June in the Berwick RSL Hall.
Ms Wendy Keogh chaired the meeting and as it was the last one before the annual general meeting, nominations for new executive positions were discussed.
Attendance at the meeting was low as a number of members attended the funeral service of Joanne Dance, a fondly remembered longstanding member of the unit.
Joanne’s long illness had prevented her from attending meetings, but her smiling face and willingness to help in all Red Cross activities will stay with all who knew her.
The sympathy of all members was extended to her devoted husband Terry and son Robert.
The passing of Paula Rae was also sadly noted at the meeting and the sympathy of members was also extended to Paula’s husband Jack and children Jessica and Scott.
Paula, though not a unit member, was a tireless worker for Red Cross Calling assisting Norma McCausland in doorknocking and at intersection collection.
Paula always had a large Red Cross Christmas card order and was an avid collector of stamps for Red Cross. Paula’s many interests included golf and bridge and she gave great practical support to Windermere and Kilvington House. Paula’s passing is an enormous loss not only to her family, but also the community.
The unit has had excellent support from the community when selling tickets for the Red Cross major raffle to be drawn in late June.
The unit has sold tickets in excess of $600. Three new members Helen Campbell, Jean Luff and May Wentworth were welcomed.
A parade of Kay’s Fashions was held in the Berwick Uniting Church hall in late May.
The function was well attended and the venue was suitable with plenty of room for display and modelling of garments.
During May large donations were received for Red Cross and the bushfire appeal.
The unit wishes to thank and acknowledge the very generous donations of the Upper Beaconsfield Tennis Club via Ian Jackson of $2,500, the Upper Beaconsfield Scout Group $500 and the Upper Beaconsfield Village Festival Committee $250.
The AGM for the unit will be held in the Berwick RSL Hall, Langmore Lane at 10am on Friday 10 July.
Guest speaker will be Jennifer North representing Ronald McDonald House.
The unit extends a warm welcome to those attending this open meeting.