Councillor being terrorised

By Paul Dunlop
CARDINIA councillor Kate Lempriere’s home has been pelted with eggs and trees on her property ringbarked in a campaign of terror by someone she believes is a disgruntled resident.
The incidents began about 18 months ago and have happened regularly since, peaking in several strikes on her home in the past five weeks.
Cr Lempriere said she was determined not to be intimidated by the attacks, but admitted they were taking a toll on her and her family.
“It’s very stressful. I’m waking up in the middle of the night, I don’t know what to think. It’s really quite sinister,” she said.
“I’m not sure what is setting this person off, but it is just crazy.”
Police are treating the situation seriously.
Acting Senior Sergeant Phil Jury from Pakenham Police said the attacks constituted stalking and said the person or persons responsible could face severe penalties.
“Police certainly take a dim view of that sort of behaviour,” Acting Sen Sgt Jury said.
Cr Lempriere said she and her husband Jeff had stepped up security around their house to discourage the attacks.
She said her house was set back some way from the road which made the incidents all the more disturbing.
“I’ve had all these egg attacks on the house, we came back from midnight Mass last Christmas to discover our trees had been ringbarked,” Cr Lempriere said.
“I’ve been almost run off the road on Toomuc Valley Road. It’s madness.”
“It has happened in all weather, at all times, it has got to our front door. People can say eggs are eggs but what’s next? A brick? A rifle?”
Cr Lempriere, who served a term as mayor in 200304, said she had no idea who could harbour such a grudge but was convinced it must be related to her position as a councillor.
The Toomuc Ward representative said she refused to let the incidents affect her work on behalf of the community.
“I speak my mind and I am going to continue to,” she said.
“I’m determined to stand again, I won’t be intimidated.
“If I get voted out because people don’t want me there that’s fair enough but this is a different ball game.”