Taxi service

The Berwick RSL has put in place a free taxi service for veterans wanting to visit the club.
The service is available also for allied ex-servicepeople, and for those who require a carer to be with them.
A day’s notice is required to arrange the taxi.
The RSL provides financial help if needed through a welfare fund. A pension officer can act as an advocate for any veteran, either wanting a Department of Veteran Affairs pension or any increases on existing DVA pensions. Veterans may be unaware of their entitlements.
The Berwick RSL helps ex-servicemen and women, returned or not, family members, and also currently serving members of the defence forces. Veterans do not need to be RSL members to be eligible for assistance. Allied ex-servicemen and women from other countries are also eligible for the RSL’s help.
Berwick RSL is open Monday to Saturday from 4.30pm. Members recommend that Saturday afternoon after 4.30pm is the best time to attend.