Lang Lang a show on the go


By Jim Mynard
ALAN Light was re-elected president of the Lang Lang Pastoral, Agricultural and Horticultural Society at the annual meeting and dinner held in the Palace Hotel on Thursday 9 July.
Senior vice-president is Stephen Kent, secretary Cheryl Berry, and treasurer Karen Brown.
Mr Light said in his annual report that the show had settled back to a normal program after the interruption of equine influenza last year.
He said the show enjoyed extremely good entries for horse events and show jumping entries were closed at 200.
“I was pleased to see so much activity on the main arena,” he said.
He said other sections continued to grow, with more than 60 beef entries.
“The championship dog show is a credit to kennel secretary Helen Crago and her husband Richard. This section creates a special atmosphere.
“The Easter Monday Rodeo had 227 entries. Ours is recognised as the longest continual running rodeo in Australia.
“The rodeo started in 1944 and the 1946 rodeo caused traffic jams on the highway,” he said.
Mr Light commended show members who contributed to working bees at the showgrounds.
The society presented a cheque for $960 to the representatives from the Kooweerup Hospital Auxiliary.
Mr Light said the money was raised from the sale of vegetables from a stall in the pavilion.
Auxiliary treasurer May Ridgway thanked the society for the annual contribution.
She said the money helped provide a mobile lifting machine for use by the district nurses.
“This means people can stay in their homes for longer. We also bought a set of digital scales,” she said.
Mrs Ridgway said these things meant nurses could come out into the community and provide help to more people.