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Glamour world of guinea pigs

The weird and wonderful varieties of guinea pig were showcased at an international event at Menzies Hall on Sunday 22 September. Cavy Council of Victoria...

Writing the hard yards

Dandenong resident Jacqui Swallow’s memoir The Bipolar Runner is unflinchingly raw and honest. So raw that her publisher recommend her to tone down the most...

Casey’s best in business unveiled

Finalists have been announced for the Casey Business Awards 2024. The 15 finalists represent a spectrum of industries operating across City of...

Creatures great and small

Horses and ponies, the great and small, were on show at the 21st annual Scottish Heritage Day at Dandenong Showgrounds on Sunday 26 May. Minnie,...

Changing the perception of insects through quilting

Menzies Creek crafter Bree Thomas has been an “artsy” person for as long as she can remember. Growing up she watched her mother knit, crochet...

Decades of work on display

The hills are full of artists and creative, but there is few living today with such a pedigree as Gembrook local John Krzywokulski. The...

Snapshots of an alien time

A Covid lockdown family project unlocked a poignant ‘Rocketgirl’ adventure for Andrew Rovenko and his 4-year-old daughter Mia. Craft was one of the family’s most...

Spotlight on shelter’s unpopular pack

A ‘pity party’ is being held for a Keysborough animal shelter’s senior residents who have been in long wait for a new home. Australian Animal...

Playing for laughs – and heckles

Tom Gleeson will be bringing his comedic talents to Narre Warren for a first-time performance at Bunjil Place on Thursday 7 December. His new...

Headmasters of rock ‘n’ roll

The click, pop and hum of a PA system starting up is soon joined by the sound of guitars tuning, drumbeats and scales on...

Tales of the dead unearthed

In something of a paradox, touring a cemetery can really bring history to life. More than 30 tales of early settlers in the South East...

Beauty of age, connection

The culmination of 17 wordsmiths’ work has been unveiled in a new exhibition, combining the two artforms of poetry and photography. Poetic Portraits brought...

Election could be called tomorrow, still silence from local Labor and...

Prime Minister Albanese is predicted to call the election tomorrow with a date expected in early May, yet looking at the range of local...

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